c IT ' S M Y BloG **: April 2006

IT ' S M Y BloG **

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Malaysia I’m coming….

Yeah, tomorrow is the first day in the BIT. Rada2 takut jg si mo masuk campus, soalnya mo ada demo buruh besar-besaran di Jakarta. Cuma nekat aja deh dari pada ga tau kl ada pengumuman2 apa gitu… And 7th of May brangkat deh ke Malay buat “kuliah” + refreshing deh, setelah sekian lama di Jakarta yang macet, macet & macet. Ganti suasana baru di Kuching.

Yang bikin tambah asik yaitu Inet yang kenceng & murah, beda banget sama di Jakarta. Apa2 serba mahal & slow… :(

Labor Day

Labor Day or May Day

Tomorrow is Labor Day, and also “Siaga 1” for Jakarta. Base on TV news there are thousands of laborer from many area around Jakarta, will demonstrate tomorrow in Jakarta. Hopefully nothing worst will happen tomorrow.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Long time no see...

Hey ya... I was too busy again this month… More than 1 month I didn’t post something here…

Btw, please check this out, if you want to know about your Love


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